the perpetual teacher

Created by KELLY 8 years ago
It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that Patrick Nutt is no longer with us. He was a lover of plants, a hybridizer, a gentleman’s gentleman but most of all, the perpetual teacher. He thrived in it and glowed in the glory of sharing anything and
everything he knew of his aquatic plant passion. If you lived in his lifetime
and had the pleasure of crossing his path I’m sure he taught you something of
his broad knowledge of water gardening.

Patrick contacted me often to share how beautiful something was at Longwood and if we had the opportunity we should hop in the car and come see it. His thoughtfulness was immeasurable and his enthusiasm was evident in his voice, on paper or jotted on a post card. It didn’t matter if it was the Victoria’s, the aquatic
plant pools, the wetland meadow or the Christmas display. If it was at its peak
he invited you to be a part of it. He was such a spirited man with seemingly
endless energy. He was always anxious for you to delight in the beauty of all
things and to have an intimate understanding, as he did. I will truly miss
hearing from him.

Patrick had many notable accomplishments but words seem insufficient to describe ‘who’ he was. He touched “millions”, he was “an Icon” and “We are all better for having met him.” I invite you to add to these comments and share your stories of Patrick so that, like him, you may inspire and touch the lives of many in his honor.

There is comfort in knowing that everyone who knew him was changed because of him.

~ Kelly Billing